Camp Jamison: Engaging the Community Year-Round

At Camp Jamison, our commitment to fostering a vibrant, inclusive community, extends far beyond the summer months. With the addition of a full-time staff member this year, we have been able to dedicate more resources to enriching our programs and outreach throughout the year.

Leadership and Advocacy:

Our leadership team, including our dedicated staff member Jacqueline, has been active in attending retreats, conferences, and other professional development activities. This year, we presented and participated in events focusing on critical topics such as the importance of BIPOC voices in camping, the latest advancements in brain science, and effective camp management strategies. These engagements help us grow as leaders and ensure that we bring back valuable insights to benefit our campers and community.

Community Events and Connections:

We are proud to have hosted our first-ever Camp Jamison staff winter party in person, bringing our team together to celebrate and strengthen our bonds. Additionally, we maintain close connections with our campers through various Zoom events, allowing us to stay engaged and support them even when camp is not in session. Our staff members serve as dedicated mentors, guiding and fostering a sense of belonging year-round.

Looking Ahead:

We are excited about the future and constantly seek new ways to expand our year-round offerings. With the support of funding and partnerships, we aim to introduce more programs and events that will benefit our campers and the broader community.

If you are interested in partnering with Camp Jamison or want to learn more about our year-round initiatives, please email Jacqueline at Together, we can continue to build a stronger, more inclusive community for all.