Camp Jamison is hosting the
only Camp-a-Jawn in the world!
Jawn is uniquely Philly. It is us! It is unlike any other word in any other language: An all-purpose noun, a stand-in for inanimate objects, abstract concepts, events, places, individual people, and groups of people.
What is a Camp-a-Jawn? It is our chance to come together as a community to move from hard times, back to the good times. Camp Jamison, is a 1-week summer camp that empowers and encourages all Philadelphia kids to get outside and enjoy nature. Camp Jamison works to instill core leadership values and beliefs in our next generation of community leaders. And just like the kids we serve, Camp Jamison is growing and expanding its horizons. With a goal of becoming a 2 week program, Camp Jamison is laying a strong foundation by taking one step at a time. This year we are adding an additional day and night to our program, giving our campers another day of learning, education, and FUN.
But we need your help. The cost per day, per camper, is roughly $250 which means to be able to provide this additional experience we need to raise $15,000 in the month of June. Won’t you join our efforts and help get these kids the support they deserve?
You can support our Camp-a-Jawn a couple of different ways:
- You can make a tax-deductible donation at Camp Jamison Camp-a-Jawn,to help us reach our goal.
- Create your own team to help Camp Jamison raise money and send kids to Camp. So far we have Board members signed up, camper’s families, and you and your friends would make a great addition! Set a goal of $250 and see if you can get your community to support us!
- Spread the word – share and like everything on social media
- Post your favorite nature pictures (outdoors, sports, hiking, bugs!) and tag us @campjamison and #campjamison #campajawn and tag a friend and you’ll be entered into a raffle
- Ask friends to share their favorite pictures too! Tag us@campjamison and #campjamison #campajawn and tag a friend and they’ll be entered into a raffle too.
We have a HUGE goal and without your help, we may not reach it. And that would be sad. It would also mean that the benefit of that extra day for our campers may be at risk. We are depending on your to help. Let’s invest in the young folks of Philadelphia together.